Monday, June 2, 2014

Official ArtRave Jewelry is here-~!

Buying one piece at a time was fun.Inventorying them to post online has been a nightmare. Day and night trying to figure how to dothe accounting and how to list them and how to organize them in a way they can continue to grow as I am now buying an average  of 30-50 pieces a day and they take up to 6 wks to arrive so its been fun.
Well I got 2 albums started  that are organized and integratex to Paypal to make selling easier .
I have over a 1000 pieces to list including Bracelets, Charms, Earrings, Necklaces, Rings & watches~
Its been a whirlwind~!!

So yellow gold filled rings are now litsed and also watches.
I set up an ArtRAve  Jewelry profile accont on,  that the gallery functions will be geared towards jewelry.

Stop by and check them out!
:) Ave